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Release 2.9

Q&A zen, Excel ping pong, and exports

30 May 2023

Q&A export for external users

If you have used the LiveDiligence Q&A feature then you already know the joy of having a single, organised place for the hundreds of questions that fly around a typical due diligence project.


Freeing yourself from the energy sapping games of Q&A spreadsheet ping pong is a big win, not to mention the time you get back after escaping the continual back and forth chasing questions and organising responses.

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But sometimes Q&A management is not up to you.


Perhaps you need to do this through the deal data room. We make this as painless as we can: a single click in the Q&A page will export everything to Excel, ready to copy new questions into the data room Q&A. Responses can be pasted back into LiveDiligence so your team and clients can get back to that joyful place: Q&A that are organised and shown in context with the due diligence review.


Here’s the twist.


Sometimes the people tasked with responding to your queries (sellers, borrowers, advisors etc) do so with the help of specialist colleagues or external stakeholders. The best advice here is to give those individuals access to your transaction Q&A and let them answer specific questions directly. No work is duplicated, nothing gets lost, and everything stays up to date.


Sometimes this just isn’t practical, which leads us to our latest update: Q&A export for external users.


It’s as simple as it sounds.


You can now give your clients (and any other external viewers) permission to export Q&A directly to Excel, saving you the hassle of being a go between and helping your clients work efficiently with their team before entering the collated responses into the platform. And like everything on LiveDiligence, you are in control of exactly what questions can be seen and downloaded.

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Here’s to less time on the ping pong and more time resolving questions and closing deals.

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