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LiveDiligence 2.61

Faster content loading and clearer document navigation

January 14, 2024


⚑️Faster content loading: After some nifty data optimisations, navigating between the risk review and other transaction pages (e.g. Q&A) is now almost instantaneous.

🧭 Clearer document navigation: The risk review document map now automatically scrolls and expands to show your active selection at all times - making it far easier to stay situated within large due diligence reviews.

πŸ““Β Report loader: We have added a skeleton loader to the pdf export page - making it super clear when you content is being loaded, ready to export.


Fixed: When performing repeated copy/paste actions with multiple browsers on a slow connection, it is possible for content to be incorrectly over-written.

Fixed: Error when a published group is moved under an unpublished parent group.


Build 2.61.6135

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