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Track, accept, and decline suggested edits from anyone working on your due diligence project

The LiveDiligence suggestions mode lets you track, accept, and decline suggested edits from anyone working on your due diligence project. If you are familiar with track changes in Word, then you know how this works and how useful it can be when iterating on content changes with colleagues before sharing with your clients.


Adding suggestions

Suggestions mode can be activated by clicking the suggestions button in the toolbar.

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When the suggestions button is green, suggestions mode is active and any edits made will be tracked. There are three different types of suggestions that can be made: insertions, deletions, and formatting changes.

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Non-text changes such as adding tables and images can also be tracked as suggestions. Here is an example of a new table added with suggestions mode active:

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Reviewing suggestions

Clicking on any suggestion will bring up an information tooltip with the following:

  • Suggestion author
  • Suggestion date & time
  • Content change being suggested
  • Accept change button
  • Decline change button
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To close the suggestion tooltip either click away or press the escape key


If you have several suggestions scattered through your risk review, the next item and previous item arrows on the suggestions button can help you find these quickly.

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Note the next and previous buttons navigate to the next or previous item where there are suggestions. Be aware of this if you have multiple suggestions inside the same item.


Accepting and declining suggestions

Suggestions can be accepted or declined individually, in groups, or across the entire risk review.


Individually: To accept or decline a single change just click on the highlighted text to bring up the suggestion tooltip and press the check button to accept or the cross button to decline

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In groups: Multiple suggestions inside an item can be resolved at once by highlighting a section of text and selecting “accept selected” or “decline selected” from the dropdown inside the suggestions button:

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Accept/decline all: The “Accept all” and “Decline all” options in the suggestions dropdown lets you accept or decline all suggested changes across the entire risk review.

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Undoing accept/decline suggestions: Individual and group accept/decline actions can be undone using the undo buttons or normal keyboard shortcuts (ctrl+z on Windows, cmd+z on macOs). However, once you unlock an item, undo is no longer possible. Accept/decline all cannot be undone, so use this function with caution.


Using suggestions vs. compare to last publish

A suggestion is a proposed change to content which is highlighted for the purposes of internal review and approval. Suggestions should be used when you want to draw attention to specific changes that may need further internal discussion with colleagues. Content cannot be published with pending suggestions and therefore suggestions cannot be used to deliver a red-line of changes for clients.


Since LiveDiligence tracks all changes between publishes automatically, clients always have the ability to see a red-line of changes between any two published versions. This removes the need to turn on suggestions (or track changes in Word terminology) and keep it on for all changes, just to produce a red-line report.


Approving content with suggestions

Suggestions are changes that are not yet considered final. Therefore, in order to consider an item approved, all pending suggestions must first be resolved - either by accepting or declining the suggestions.


If you attempt to approve an item, or multiple items, with pending suggestions then you will be asked if you want to accept the pending changes and approve, or cancel the approval request.

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