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Release 2.8

Track, accept, and decline suggested edits across your team; new activity feed functionality and Q&A updates

21 April 2023

Suggestions Mode

Our new LiveDiligence suggestions mode lets you track, accept, and decline suggested edits from anyone working on your due diligence project.


If you are familiar with track changes in Word, then you know how this works and how useful it can be when iterating on content changes with colleagues before sharing with your clients.

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Suggestions mode can be activated anywhere you want to flag content changes for internal review or discussion. Changes can be accepted/declined individually or across the entire review via the accept/decline all options.


For more detailed guidance on working with suggestions, see our suggestions help article.


Improved activity feed

Tracking the history of actions taken through the lifecycle of a due diligence review can be very helpful for collaborative teams, and in some cases is required to support a robust audit trail.


With this update we have added a clean new design for the activity feed, and added extra functionality to track:

  • Approval actions: see when content was approved and by whom
  • Publish actions: see when content was published, who published it, and which version the content was published in
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Other improvements and fixes

With this update we also made several other minor improvements and bug fixes, including

  • Update: All changes must now be approved before they can be selected for publish. Previously we allowed users to directly select changes for publish without approving.
  • Fix: The remember me button on two-factor authentication was not working for for some users.
  • Improvement: Cancel question button now closes new question window instead of just clearing text.
  • Improvement: Users can now easily remove links between Q&A questions and the corresponding section of the risk review
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